We demand equal rights and equal opportunities for all, regardless of disability
The rights of people with intellectual disabilities are written down
in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
We want the Convention to become reality in Europe.
Only then, people with intellectual disabilities can also enjoy their rights.
We want politicians to consider their rights
in all European laws and policies.
We ask the European politicians to take action in 6 important areas:
1. Making sure people with intellectual disabilities can vote
and take part in politics
People with intellectual disabilities are often not allowed to vote.
It is important that all Europeans have a say in the way Europe is run.
We demand:
- that all people with disabilities have the right to vote.
- that all candidates for the elections have accessible information.
- checks and possibilities to complain if someone with a disability is not allowed to vote.
- talks with our organisations about support for people with intellectual disabilities.
2. Making sure people with intellectual disabilities
can use the rights of the UN Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The UN Convention includes the rights of all people with disabilities.
Sometimes, people with intellectual disabilities find it hard to use these rights.
They get less support than other people with disabilities.
We demand that
- politicians work together with people with intellectual disabilities, their families and their organisations.
3. Making sure the people with intellectual disabilities are equal before the law
People with intellectual disabilities have the right to be equal before the law.
They want to take decisions for themselves.
This is called “legal capacity”.
They do not want others to take decisions for them.
The “Draft General Comment on Article 12” explains
how this can be done.
We demand:
- full support for the Draft General Comment on Article 12.
- European action for more and better support in decision-making.
4. Making sure that people with intellectual disabilities can live included in the community
People with intellectual disabilities want to choose
where and with whom they live.
Most do not want to live in institutions.
Support for independent living must be available where they live.
We demand:
- a stop to paying with European funds for any housing institution.
- European support for the exchange of good practice and better support services in the community.
- European controls of the living conditions of people with disabilities.
- support for a ban on placing children in institutions.
5. Protecting people with disabilities from the cuts in support
People with intellectual disabilities and their families
need good support to contribute to society.
We demand:
- a stop to discrimination in all areas of life.
- recognition of the support needs of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families in the fields of
- employment,
- education
- access to health services,
- social protection and
- accessibility.
6. Ensuring that people with disabilities can access goods
and services
People with intellectual disabilities need equal access
to goods, services and information.
We demand support for European laws that give equal access to all people.